Top Ten Speakers of All Time?

Well its time for a new Top Ten Thread. WOW-Have I learned a lot.Thanks to all Audiogon members.Have had several e mail thanking the Top Ten Threads. We have a lot of new members just starting their High End adventure. Info was much appreciated. I will start the thread for the Acoustat 2+2 and Model 2 of which I still own and continue to enjoy. So lets have your top ten members. --- MANY THANKS ---
Have I mentioned it before? Gotta be the Dunlavy V. (Mr Dunlavy once admitted to me, on the phone, that V is more accurate than anything he has done, including the VI's. )
The first time I walked into a high end audio store in 1983 I saw those 2+2 towers and heard sound that the salesman explained to me as having ambiance and presence...I knew I would have to own a pair someday...well it's nice to see people talking about them in 2002! They are great and Yes you have to have a special room for them and an understanding family. Wait! Who's kidding? No Family/No Kids and NO PETS!
Does anyone talk about the special electronics required for a speaker like this? Huge amounts of current for excellent sound? Excellent build quality, massive transformers, massive capicitors...Krell...Mark Levinson...type stuff...ya know? heavy duty amps and beautiful tube pre-amps and good ole' turntables...that's what these babies are for....old school analog...have fun! Happy New Year and keep that electrostatic gear alive! I'm keeping my 2+2's and my Model 3's just in case...

Peace :-)
A new company, Roman Audio, out of Groves, Tx. Their 8" 2-way, The Centurion, is without a doubt, one of the best I've EVER heard. When I demo-ed them, I had my wife with me and even she fell in love with them. Check them out at AWESOME!!!