Top Ten Electronic/alternative Albums

Based not only on musical tastes but in the quality they were recorded in. I listen to some jazz and blues, and alot of classic rock but I feel this genre of music, both Alternative and Electronic music is often overlooked.

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Here are my favorite electronic albums. Some have been mentioned before. Not all of these were well recorded, but the music is good (IMHO). I put an * next to the albums that I think have particularly good sound quality. Record labels are listed in [ ]. Enjoy!

dj Mark Farina - "Mushroom Jazz" vol 1. [Om records]

Massive Attack - "Mezzanine" [Virgin]

Boards of Canada - "Music Has the Right to Children" [Matador/Warp]

Shpongle - "Are You Shpongled?"* [Twisted]

Future Sound of London - "Dead Cities"* [Astralwerks] (It took me several listens to appreciate this one... "ISDN"* and "Lifeforms"* are also excellent albums.)

Autechre - "Incunabula"* [TVT/Wax Trax]

Freaky Chakra - "Blacklight Fantasy" [Astralwerks] (My favorite "techno" album. I always use tracks 2, 3, 9, & 10 to test a system's bass response and dynamics)

Plaid - "Double Figure"* [Warp]

Haujobb - "ninetynine"* [Metropolis]

Coil - "Love's Secret Domain" [Wax Trax?]

(more down-tempo)
Thievery Corporation - DJ Kicks [!K7]
ChickenLips - DJ Kicks [!K7]
Kruder and Dorfmiester - DJ Kicks [!K7]
Orb - "Orblivion"* [Island]
Boards of Canada - "In a Beautiful Place out in the Country" [Warp]
Biosphere - "Insomnia", "Deathprod" (ambient)
Autechre - "Tri Repetea++" [Warp]
Aphex Twin - "Selected Ambient Works", "I care because you do" [Sire/Warp]
Cris Clark - "Empty the Bones of You" [Warp]
Fila Brazillia - "A touch of Cloth" [Tritone]

(more up-tempo)
Juno Reactor - "Bible of Dreams"* [TVT/Wax Trax]
Orbital - "In Sides" [Internal]
dj Simply Jeff - "Funk-da-Fried" [City of Angels]
Download - "Effector"

Please keep the recommendations coming! I need to discover some new music.