Top Speakers for Nearfield Listening in Small Room

Hi, everyone. I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for top speakers in a small room. I now have an Essence tube preamp and solid-state amp, whic is some very nice gear, SME/Graham analog front end, JL Audio subwoofer, and Wilson Watt Puppy 7 speakers. My issue is that I am in a very small room and have to sit nearfield between the speakers, as well as requiring a relatively small speaker footprint. I am in no way dissatisfied with the sound of the WP7's on rock, jazz, soul, etc, but just wondering what other experiences someone may have had in nearfield listening. For years I had some Essence Super Gem monitors but would find it difficult to give up the bass, dynamics, and soundstaging of the Wilsons. I do have a sub, so extreme bass extension is not paramount, but I don't want to run the sub way up in frequency. Any ideas out there? My budget would be approx $20K. Thank you in advance.

Showing 1 response by oneobgyn

several questions

1. What are your room dimensions?
2. How far apart are your WP 7's
3. How far back are you now?

If you fall within the guidelines set by Wilson Audio of distance from tweeter to tweeter X 1.1 to 1.3 to give you the listening position......and provided your speakers are 4-5 feet from the front wall and at least 30 inches form each side wall I wouldn't change anything given that you are happy with the sound. I might suggest however that in a small room you should consider giving up your sub as the WP 7 IMO produces plenty of bass and your sub could be producing room nodes.....or are your walls treated?