Top Speakers for Nearfield Listening in Small Room

Hi, everyone. I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for top speakers in a small room. I now have an Essence tube preamp and solid-state amp, whic is some very nice gear, SME/Graham analog front end, JL Audio subwoofer, and Wilson Watt Puppy 7 speakers. My issue is that I am in a very small room and have to sit nearfield between the speakers, as well as requiring a relatively small speaker footprint. I am in no way dissatisfied with the sound of the WP7's on rock, jazz, soul, etc, but just wondering what other experiences someone may have had in nearfield listening. For years I had some Essence Super Gem monitors but would find it difficult to give up the bass, dynamics, and soundstaging of the Wilsons. I do have a sub, so extreme bass extension is not paramount, but I don't want to run the sub way up in frequency. Any ideas out there? My budget would be approx $20K. Thank you in advance.

Showing 1 response by audiokinesis

For extreme nearfield listening, I'd suggest single-driver speakers or coaxial speakers or speakers with the highest crossover around 1 kHz or less, and with a fairly steep slope. For the record, the SP Tech Timepiece mentioned by several here falls into the latter category.
