Top resistors

Many threads with opinions on boutique coupling capacitors, but very little consolidated information on the sonics of resistors. Anyone care to share their thoughts on the attributes of their favorite brands & types for specific tube and SS applications? How much of a difference does a good resistor make?

My interest in the topic increased after recently installing the latest Texas Components nude Vishay TX2575 in several SS and tube phono & LS components. This was a proverbial "Ah-ha" moment-- a stray resistor dropped into signal path here or there, surprising with an improvement that equalled or surpassed the impact of a switch to a top coupling cap like V-Cap or Mundorf.

Showing 4 responses by tweaker123

The dissing of the Vishay S102 by Reb1208 is rediculous. This resistor is extreamly clear, smooth with a slightly sweet treble. To say it sounds like gravel inside a soda can negates anything this person says about anything that pertains to sound perception. Tweaker
Yo Johnss, Since it seems that you can hear do you have a preference for a particular metal film or other type of resistor that aproaches the clear , accurate sound of the S102 that isn't bright?? I thought I was hard to please, man if you can't like the S102... The only thing I can fault them with is the price. Not perfect but awfull nice! Thanks, Tweaker
Gravel inside a soda can?? Yea I'm insecure. Who else out there thinks that the S102 sounds like gravel inside a soda can?? If your out there send me a couple of 3.3k's before you through them in the trash(where they belong, of course). Tweaker
Johnss, I love the S102. Can you suggest a reasonably priced resistor that comes close?? So many out there these days. Thanks, Tweaker