Top of the line?

Are the SST Ampzilla 2000 Second Edition still considered top of the line components? There seems to be deep discounts available now.
Thanks for your help and input 

Showing 6 responses by alman63

Thank you for your thoughts I bid on a pair on here and got them. Wasn't really expecting the offer to be accepted 
So far I am underwhelmed. Maybe I need a power supply or something. Also I have to turn the gain way up on my preamp. A Pass Labs XP 10 
I didn't anticipate any problems, I put an Aric Audio pre into the system and it can't nearly go loud enough. My system consists of:
Ampzilla 2000 Second Edition amps 
Pass Labs XP 10 preamp
Cyrus Audio CDi disc player 
Legacy Audio Signature SE speakers 
Thank you for your time and input