Top notch integrated vs DAC direct into stereo amp

I'm still asking myself if a top notch integrated amp like the Audionet Humbold + separate DAC would do just as good as a DAC direct into a stereo amp for example Totaldac d1-Direct going into Gryphon Antileon Evo or D'Agostino Momentum S250.I know this has been discussed many times especially preamp vs no preamp but what about top level integrated vs DAC direct  into amp.An ultimate integrated amp would cost about the same as a great stereo amp therefore the question can be raised.Cheers.

Showing 6 responses by thieliste

Totaldac has something called the D1-Driver for people who want to go DAC direct, this might me an option :
Well considering the level of gear here it will be impossible to home audition any of these combinations, will have to audition gear separately at dealer's.What would you guys pick between DAC into Audionet Humboldt vs DAC direct into Gryphon Mephisto stereo ?Speakers Borresen 03s.
Since i'm going end game amp the two best alternatives seem to be a Mephisto stereo or Audionet Heisenberg monos.I want to stay SS, the Totaldac is already very analogue sounding so i don't need tubes.You guys prefer Gryphon flagship or Audionet flagship ?Mephisto stereo is 54K and Heisenberg 70K euro prices.
Well guys a guy that owns Stern + Heinsenberd + Totaldac Twelve compared with and without Stern just adding a Totaldac D1-Driver in place of the Stern.Suprisingly he liked better the presentation going direct into Heisenbergs without the Stern in the chain.I could get a very good deal on a pair of Heisenbergs.
Well Gryphon and Audionet are two pretty different presentations.Ghyphon is very organic, meaty, physical bass, beautiful deph and yet detailed and fast.Audionet is very high detail retrieval, very low noise floor, huge soundtage, ultra fast and very natural.Both are awsome, not an easy decision.
George, your friend has a very nice rig, Totaldac-Antileon combo must be something.I will be building something of that sort.Best to you.