Top notch integrated vs DAC direct into stereo amp

I'm still asking myself if a top notch integrated amp like the Audionet Humbold + separate DAC would do just as good as a DAC direct into a stereo amp for example Totaldac d1-Direct going into Gryphon Antileon Evo or D'Agostino Momentum S250.I know this has been discussed many times especially preamp vs no preamp but what about top level integrated vs DAC direct  into amp.An ultimate integrated amp would cost about the same as a great stereo amp therefore the question can be raised.Cheers.

Showing 1 response by essrand

DAC into integrated, any day of the year. I have not played at your level. But been trying to eliminate preamps forever it seems like, and I can’t. At your level, you are not short of funds, why would you, it doesn’t even make sense, given how much preamps can bring to the table. And at that price point you will get an integrated with a preamp stage that will be world class.