Top manufacturers!

I am just getting into the high-end area and was wondering who out there is consistantly making the highest quality components year after year.
Don't forget Spectral. I have to admit, though, even though I own their preamp and power amp, they are a difficult bunch of people to deal with as a consumer.
Goldmund, FM acoustics I´m sorry for yours but the best is in Europe, Switzerland. Miles away from krell,levinsons, etc.
Yeah, us Americans...the very idea! Where do we get off thinking we could design fine power amplifiers? How dare we! We should just give up, we're even making the Swiss feel sorry for us...and goodness knows they take a stand on things, when the going gets tuff...we could learn much from them.
--Turntables: Simon Yorke, Forsell, Rockport, Versa Dynamics, Goldmund, VPI, Verdier, Micro-Seiki --Tonearms: Nord Air, Forsell, Graham, SME --Cartridges: Jan Allaerts, Benz Micro, Transfiguration, Ortofon, Haruo Takeda Miyabi --Phono Preamps: Aesthetix, Progressive Audio, Audio Research --Preamps: Audion, Jadis, Manley, Cello, Accuphase --Power Amps: Lamm, Manley, VAC, Audio-Note, Spectral --Speakers: Ars Acoustica, Wilson Audio, Martin Logan, Avalon --CD Transport: Audiomeca, Wadia, Burmester, Spectral --DAC: dPs, Audio-Note, Cello, Wadia --Cable: NBS, Fadel Art, Purist Audio, MIT