top loading cd players

Hi I'm looking for manufacturers who still make top loading cd players.  I have found Ayon, CEC, and Rega, but wondering if there are others.



Showing 2 responses by gwng8

well i ended up going with Rega.  The contact from sparkler was kind of a jerk, CEC has the belts which I'm not so sure about long term, and I couldn't get a response from anyone affiliated with Lector or the company itself (same went for metronome).  I am amazed how many companies that charge so much for their products have such s**t service.  Anyways Rega has a lifetime warranty and they are still updating their products so I'm good.

Thanks all

thanks everyone, a lot more than I expected. I will certainly look into audio note, and sparkler is very interesting, as do metronome and exposure....I also found lector. Some like project, and jay’s no longer make cd players, and I am not looking for only a spinner. Someone asked about budget, well lets just say MBL, burmeistr etc, I can not consider.

As for CEC, its under consideration I’m just worried about belts. The reason I’m looking for a top loader is its one thing less to worry about.