Top brand speakers

Could someone with a vast experience with speakers/subwoofers say which ones are the top brands and worth the money.

Showing 1 response by mrc

reesoulbg, don't listen to some of these guys. They're just joking with you regarding Bose. Bose is NOT a quality speaker. A word of advice: go to a reputable store (where do you live) and bring music you're familiar with and audition several different speaker brands. As someone stated above, you have to take into consideration your budget and what sources you decide to use (turntable, CD player, DAC/high resolution from a computer etc.) and the kind of components you'll listen to with them (amp? preamp? integrated amp)such as solid state versus tubes.

The brands you brought up are decent. Someone else here brought up a few that are excellent and there are great sounding speakers made by DeVore, ProAc, Harbeth, Tannoy, Sonus Faber etc. You just have to know what your budget is and what kind of music you like to listen to, because some speakers favor acoustic music to rock and roll.