Top Alternative Rock Albums of 2008

In no particular order here is a list. Please feel free to throw in some names I'm always in the search of great new music.

No Age - Nouns (Dinosaur Jr meets Weezer)
The Raconteurs - Consolers of the Lonely
Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes (really folky but I dig it)
Beck - Modern Guilt
Sigur Rós - Með Suð Í Eyrum Við (possibly my favorite in 08)
Portishead - Third (took a couple listens but I get it now)

Albums I bought and was let down by:

TV On The Radio - Dear Science
I don't mind the album, it's just that Return to Cookie Mountain was so much better.

My Morning Jacket - Evil Urges
Just didn't sound like MMJ to me. After buying Fleet Foxes recently maybe I'll get into more.

The Black Keys - Attack and Release
A few good tunes, album has too many holes though

Album's I didn't buy or care to buy:

Coldplay - Viva La Vida
Bloc Party - Intimacy
Kings Of Leon - Only By The Night

Showing 5 responses by synthfreek

Black Mountain-In The Future
Bon Iver-For Emma, Forever Ago
Thao With The Get Down Stay Down-We Brave Bee Stings And All
Although no albums in '08 you might wanna check out M. Ward-Post-War, Phosphorescent-Aw Come Aw Wry & Pride, Neutral Milk Hotel-In The Aeroplane Over The Sea, Built To Spill-Perfect From Now On, Ancient Melodies & Keep It Like A Secret, The Frogs-It's Only Right And Natural, My Daughter The Broad & Bananimals, The Microphones-The Glow Pt. 2 & The Shaggs-Philosophy Of The World.
Seeing the other lists made me wanna add The Gutter Twins and the Fleet Foxes albums to my list. I LOVE the Burial album but I wouldn't call it alternative rock or 2008.
Check out this link to an awesome Fleet Foxes track. For fans of Panda Bear and Brian Wilson.
Timrhu you should occasionally check out the roster on Sufjan's label Asthmatic Kitty. Sufjan just released an album by a band called The Welcome Wagon that might be up your alley. Sufjan pretty much does all the instrumentation and background vocals on the entire album.
I remembered another one...Santogold. Take the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Missing Persons and blend 'em up for this catchy little album.