Top 5 Tonearms Newer or Vintage Under 2500 That Will Beat anything above/below 2.5k?

From all your tonearm experiences trials errors comparisons etc is there a Top 5 tonearm list that are known for their musical superlatives in all music ranges and genres? including finer detail nuances feeling, 3d sound but also deep bass and midbass, basspunch. Airy highs. And importantly long hours listening without fatigue.
The criteria also to be met are easy setups for all angles vta vfa azimuth anti skating etc 
The Tonearm must also the ability to use more than just one or two cartridge compatibility.

Probable Turntables to be Used: Garrard 301/401, Lenco, Linn, Thorens 124, Technics 1100 1200 10 or 15. 

Heres the list i compiled of ToneArms to pick from.
Feel free to mention others.

  • Tw Raven, D Talea, Graham 2.2/phantom, Moerch, Origin Live, Vpi, 
  • AudioMods

  • Clear Audio, Stax, Rega, Technics 500/1000, Sumiko, Alphason, Black Widow, One unipivot, Saec, Clear Audio, Basis Vector, Triplanar

  • Origin Silver, Rega 9, Linn Ittok, Project, Technics 500/1000,
  •  Alphason, Audio Technica, Dynavector 507

    Grace, Mission, Grado, Ortofon, EMT, Thorens Tp,
  • ESL, Sme 3012, Sme 3009, Sme V, IV,

  • Schroeder, Kuzma, Eminent, Ikeda, Breuer, 
    Stax, Kenwood 007 arm, Sonys top Arm, Artemis

Showing 1 response by chymyshyn

MicroSeiki SX 8000!! with Micro max 282 and 237 arms
Technics SP 10 mark 3 with EPA 100 mark 2 arm
Thorens 124 with SME V arm
Nakamichi TX 1000 with SME 312  and Dynavector 507 arms
various cartridges, running through Allnic
other tables....Empire, Thorens, Lenco, Oracle with sme ,grado etc arms
all made in the golden age by some very bright dedicated  people  with no holds barred engineering and  cost no object, perhaps matched by some new specialty gear but probably not the money and engineering capacity as some of Japanese companies had or still do, ex Matsushita
stereo gear various mostly marantz and mcintosh from the 50s thru the 70s
various spkrs, jbl, tannoy, platinum audio, kef, empire, rogers
much of it sounds good here but also has become collectible art
hard to really say whats better or best as arms etc are only part of a total system
somebody once said everything between the stylus and speaker should act like its not there, aka coloration
early Tannoy and quad 57s are like that , impressive when one listens running on a few watts
a testimony to early engineering that has never really been improved on in many cases and perhaps can be described as only unecessary gimmicks driven by marketing, the God of todays stuff
I spent yrs in mfging engineering and product design incl marketing on small and big stuff and have great respect for the early gear cuz modern society seems to have traded quality for quantity esp in America
anyways just my two cents as I do not profess to be an audio expert
I usually do my research on the internet as well as face to face with those in the bz before purchasing, many with more yrs at it then me although I was there in the 60s and 70s when it was in the stores, only coming back to it in recent years