Top 10 Jazz recordings ever

I am looking for excellent jazz recordings, I am sure you guys know what to suggest, mostly vocals.

Showing 34 responses by rok2id

"I just like Miles and Coltrane and don't think anyone can really compare playing trumpet and sax."

SShhhhhhhhhhhh not so loud. Some of these misguided souls actually think Louis Armstrong could play trumpet. And some even less hip, think that young upstart Wynton Marsalis can play.

On a serious note, I suspect people 'like' coltrane because it's the cool thing to do. Towards the end, he was just making noise. I liked him up to and including A Love Supreme, then he went off the deep end. And they are a multitude of sax players, just as good if not better. Same with the trumpet and miles. I don't really know how to say it, Miles was a great Jazz player. but, is it possible to make great music, and not be a great master of the instrument. I guess that's what I'm trying to say. i may be just rambling. Happy New Year All!!
You are correct. It's almost impossible to stay great and popular until the very last note you play. I didn't think about it the right way.
Katia Labeque:

Does she still play with her sister? I have them playing Gershwin. Their version of Summertime is great. Good disc to test your systems ability to reproduce piano.
"Wynton Marsalis might be the worlds best trumpet player, but he's one of the worst "music makers"; only aficionados understand that contradiction."

It's not a contradiction, it's just incorrect. I implied the opposite about miles. I felt his playing had a sameness to it, lacking in dynamic range to my ear. But some great stuff. I like the 'blare' every now and then from a trumpet player. Clark terry etc.... Wynton does it all. Complete master of the instrument and is currently carrying Jazz on his back. Listen to the trumpets and brass on 'a closer walk with thee' on Marsalis and Clapton play the blues. Also the solo on 'layla' wow!. The fact that you agree with me, shows there is hope for you yet.
It could be that I am so impressed with Wynton because of his knowledge of and his ability to 'Explain,' the music to others. Esp the young. he talks then demonstrates on the trumpet. I think he is at his best in an ensemble, such as the Orch at Lincoln center. I do know that he is JAZZ at this point in the history of the music, and it could not be in better hands. In many ways his talent and current role is similar to that of Louis Armstrong back in the day. He is also just as at home with classical music as he is with Nawlins Jazz. Without him we would all be drowning in a sea of smooth, free, contemporary, world, mind numbing noise, errr I mean Jazz.
"I think such arguments are absurd, and usually are based in anti-intellectualism. Wynton is a very soulful player."

That's telling them! Well Said.
You seem familiar. I think I remember having a talk with you before. Ah yes, Still waiting on that list. BTW, you are consistent also. You were a ignoramus then, and you are a ignoramus now.

I did something I never do. I never check a person's previous posts. A while ago, I checked some of your previous posts. I now think I understand your musical taste better. I am sorry I called you an ignoramus. It was uncalled for, and not true, but I can't delete it. After reading several of your posts on music, it's obvious to me that we will never agree on anything pertaining to music. So lets just leave it at that. Sorry again about the ignoramus thing. I try to never call names. But, it is good to have music lovers on this site. We need all we can get. Happy listening. BTW, I used to work for IBM in Atlanta.
1. Dee Dee Bridgewater - Love and Peace, A tribute to Horace Silver
2. Ernestine Anderson - Never Make Your Move Too Soon
3. Charles Mingus - Mingus At Antibes
4. Horace Silver - Blowin' The Blues Away
5. Horace Silver - Song For My Father
6. Dee Dee Bridgewater - Eleanora Fagan, To Billie With Love
7. Oscar Peterson Trio - +One with Clark Terry
8. Best of Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong
9. Gene Harris - The Best of the Concord Years
10. Houston Person & others - Jazz In An R&B Groove

Good places to start. Hard to go wrong with any Oscar Peterson or Horace Silver.
I don't understand why you think we have 'issues'. Was it something I said?
I have several LPs of the three sounds, but only one on CD, 'Babes Blues.' Their CDs seem to be sort of expensive on amazon. I will have to look again and try to find them used. They were one of my favorite groups back in the late 60's. Good 'accessible' Jazz.
I don't have any CDs with Pettiford as a leader. Almost surely as a member of a group. I am not in the debate thingy either. Around 1987 I just stopped buying LPs. And since they are all in storage and hard to get to, I am not exactly sure what I have on LP. Some are stand out records and I remember the album art. Ray Bryant's 'Slow Freight'. I remember the light on the caboose. Great music. I have almost all the essential stuff on CD now. And a few even on SACD.
Has anyone purchased any of the '8 classic albums' sets being offered on amazon?
Maybe you should go a little easy on the 'he is the best' stuff. They all made magic and gave a lot of people pleasure, and just let it go at that.
I have been listening to Horace Silver for a hundred years. It was a nice video, but nothing I have not seen or heard before. I just don't know how one determines that a certain Jazz player is 'The Best.' With all the different styles and differnt eras and different types of Jazz, how do you do that? Take Miles for instance: Is he 'better' than Buddy Bolden, Harry 'sweets' Edison, Louis Armstrong, Lee Morgan, or Roy Eldridge? I could name many more. The point is, they were / are all GREAT. If you have a formula for doing this, let the rest of us in on it. And this is my last comment. I swore not to fight this year. " *&&^^%^$#@ " That means 'I surrender.' :)
Thanks for the reply. I thought it would be too good to be true. I'll take them off my save for later list.
Orpheus10 & Rockadanny:

I Just clicked 'Place Order' on:

The Winners -- If Orpheus swears by it, that's good enough for me.
The Most -- I didn't know OP was on board.
Pick Yourself Up -- includes Sweet Georgia Brown, with 'sweets' on board, how could I not get it!!

The music on Amazon was good as were the reviews. Thanks for the tips.

She should have fired the guy in charge of Photos / cover art. On almost all her lp/cd covers, she looks as if she is undergoing torture. Also ordered Donald Byrd: CAT WALK. Will report. Today's playlist included Coltrane - My Favorite Things. What a player!! He was awesome before he went over the event horizon. You can hear the genesis of the music that was coming, on this CD. Also listened to The Sidewinder. Sidewinder gets the hype, but I am partial to 'boy, what a night'.
Today's playlist:

Sir Roland Hanna - Duke Ellington Piano Solos.
Good recording and good piano playing, but a little too much interpertation of Duke's music. It can't get any better than Duke wrote it. Didn't grab me.

Gene Harris -- In His Hands
Not Jazz but Jazzy. Gospel numbers are the stand-outs. Battle Hymn of the Republic / Will the Circle be Unbroken and The Whole World in His Hands, make the CD. Harris' Daughter sings.

The Max Roach Trio -- featuring the legendary Hasaan
Roach is a great drumer. He plays just like another instrument in the group. Let's the bass keep time. very nice set. Good recording. This is Hasaan's (piano) only recording. A shame.

Jimmy Smith -- House Party
Not as fond of the organ as I used to be. Seemed to sound better on JBL! BUT, with Lee Morgan, Lou Donaldson,Tinas Brooks,Kenny Burrell, Donald Bailey and Art Blakey on board, I'll suffer thru it! Five tunes in over 53 minutes. They had a lot to say. :)

Sonny Rollins -- East Broadway Run Down
Indescribable!! This is improvised music of the highest order. Exceptional bass playing by Jimmy Garrison. Freddie Hubbard on the title tune. This is a great CD. This is as 'out there' as Jazz ever needed to go. There is no tone like Rollin's.

Happy Listening
"This is a high fidelity recording. For best results observe the R.I.A.A. high frequency roll-off characteristic with a 500 cycle crossover."

This was printed on the fold out of a Max Roach CD. The CD fold out was a copy of the liner notes from the LP. Does anyone know what this means?
Thanks in advance

Excellent explanation. Even I could understand it. Sure makes a body appreciate CDs even more. :)

I have Grover on 'Then & Now' and 'Mister Magic'. I amazoned 'Prime Cuts' and liked the playlist. I put it in my cart. I'll listen to the ones I have and write a 'review'. :)
I remember back in the day, when heart transplants were new and in the news, a doctor performed the operation while listening to Grover's 'Inside Moves' thru the PA system. I love little musical tid-bits like that. I guess the patient can be thankful he was not an Sun Ra fan. :)

Soulful Strut is a Three Sounds tune isn't it? That takes me back to the very beginning of my interest in Jazz.

The latest playlist.
We have the good, the great and then there is Ella.

The Good: 3-4 Stars
Jay McShann & John Hicks -- The Missouri Connection
Danilo Perez -- PanaMonk
Freddie Redd Quartet -- Shades of Redd
Lou Rawls & les McCann -- Stormy Monday
Stanley Turrentine with the Three Sounds (2 cd set)
Ben Webster & Oscar Peterson -- Ben Meets Oscar
Sonny Clark -- Cool Struttin'
all of the above had their moments, but a lot of, run of the mill stuff also.

The Great: 5 stars
Thelonious Monk -- Monk in Paris (live at the olympia)
includes DVD.

Charlie Rouse -- Epistrophy (his last recording)

Clark terry -- The Second Set (live at the village gate)

Harry 'sweets' Edison & Eddie 'lockjaw' Davis -- Sweets & Lockjaw live in Copenhagen

I just love all those old timers. They play Jazz. if you don't like the above, you don't like jazz.

Now,Words are not enough, you must hear this!: not enough stars in the milky way!

Ella Fitzgerald & Count Basie -- A Perfect Match (live in montreux, switzerland)
There will never be another. She is so effortless. You will smile all the way thru the CD. Unique among all jazz singers I have heard, she has FUN! And you can feel, hear and sense it throughout the set. Enjoys her work. Esp on the tune 'Basella' The playful interplay between her and band is just wonderful!!
Ain't got it? Git it!

Sonny Side Up? -- Have It! I need to listen Dizzy a little bit more.
You are correct. My guru reviewer thinks the Duets CD is even better thsn Sonny Side Up, though I think it was all recorded during the same session. It's on my amazon list. Thanks. I get my O'Day CDs by the end of the week. Like a kid at Christmas!

Song for My Father would be on just about everyone's short list. I am not familiar with Karrin Allyson, but if she sings anywhere as good as she looks, she's a winner. I will have to youtube her. But Schbert, you have a very serious imbalance in your music collection. :) The guys on this thread recommend some good stuff. Check it out. I know they are about to bankrupt me! In any event, this site needs all the music guys it can get.


BTW, if you like Horace Silver, check out Dee Dee Bridgewater's 'Love and Peace, A Tribute to Horace Silver'. She puts words to almost all his biggest hits. Very, Very good.

A lot of Jazz has a beginning, a middle and an end. Normally the 'theme' is stated then the members take turns soloing (sort of like a variation on a theme), and then they all come together for the end.

I have an imbalance in my classical collection. I need to branch out more. I have too much of the well known composers. I find myself buying the latest recording of stuff I already own. When I read BBC music magazine, I see more and more composers that I am not familiar with. I guess I will have to take the plunge.


No snippets on amazon, so I went to youtube. Am I glad I did. Started with Sandra's Blues and stayed for the complet CD. As you said it is great. Seems like every time you post, it costs me money.:)

My favorites were Sandra's blues, Stuffy and Indian blues.
I was very impressed with the bass player. He was awesome. And this was on my computer speakers! And Hawkins and Jackson were their usual brilliant selves. Something about vibes. They always make a CD sound better than it normally would. Great sound effect. That's one of the great things about Jazz, not only the headliner or leader, but the guys in the group. Stars in their own right, and they change all the time. This is unique to Jazz.

Now I have seen a few other ones on youtube I must check out. I get Miss O'Day tomorrow along with a Jon Hendrick CD. Will report my thoughts later.

Thanks for the post.
A Tale of Two Divas!

I got the Anita O'Day Cds today. I was did not think they lived up to the hype. Her voice is just fine. I would place her in the same voice group as someone like Nancy Wilson, which is not bad at all. Not up there with the heavyweights, but very good.

The problem, was the band backing her, and the arrangements. Some of this music is not Jazz. And even the standards were not sung or played as Jazz.

The best of the ones I received was the 'Anita Sings The Most' disc. On this one, she was backed by Oscar Peterson. This backing made all the difference in the world. They pushed her hard. She stayed with them!

On 'Anita Sings The Winners' There are 19 tracks, but only 12 came off the LP. Some of this filler was just a waste.

Same with the 'Pick Yourself Up' cd. 21 tracks, only 12 off the LP. Just filler. 'Rock and Roll Waltz' was a joke. It killed the entire CD for me.

When she sang 'Body and Soul' on the 'winners' cd, that was enough. I went to my collection and got a disc of Billie Holiday singing Body and Soul. Like, it was not even the same song! Of course Billie had Ben Webster and 'Sweets' edison backing her. I also compared the two on two other songs. 'We'll be together again' & 'They can't take that away from me'. No contest!

I don't think her voice is ideally suited for Jazz. More supper club singer. BUT, I did listen to the two Cds. She is not bad at all. She just needed a real Jazz band (Basie?) to back her, and someone to do proper Jazz arrangements. Or even a smaller Jazz group. The big band she had was not a Jazz band.

I could hear some 'billie' in her phrasing and at times I am sure she was trying to imitate billie to some degree. And that didn't sound bad. She has a good voice.

But, all in all they are keepers. I will just have to hit eject once the real stuff is over and before the filler starts.


You need to start a new thread. I just realized this one is not yours.