Too Much Gain the Issue ? (preamp and amp)

I have a Cary SLP-05 preamp- 24db gain with balanced and 17db single ended.  

Using a Pass Labs XA30.8 (26db gain) and even with the 17db of the single ended output of the Cary preamp the sound can frequently be sibilant in the upper midrange.   

Have not had the sibilant sound with other amps (Parasound JC5) but did lower the gain on that amp to 50% of dial.  




Showing 4 responses by dekay

The input impedance of the Pass is too high for the SLP-05.

10K ohm is recommended (per a Stereophile review/measurements) and the Pass is 50K/100K depending upon single ended/balanced connection.

The mismatch will theoretically give a leaner sound (less bass).



What attenuators are recommended?

I used inexpensive Rothwell's between an AI Mod 3A an Audion Silver Night years ago and they seemed to work/sound fine.

Think they were rated 10dB.



Here's a USA purchase source for Rothwell, but I'm not familiar with them (purchased mine almost 20 years ago).

They are listed under accessories and I think that I paid $40/pair ages ago.

I went for less expensive as the AI preamp was a loaner from a friend.

