Too Bright Big Blue Meters : Re: McIntosh MA6900

Hi to All,

I'm new to this, so I hope my question doesn't cause too much ado. Thx in advance for all info.

I just got bought the McIntosh MA6900 ! WOW !!!

I Love it, but the unit I have seems to have extrememly overly bright Blue/Green Meters.

Many of the pics of the Mc stuff on the web, the meters seem alot darker deeper Cobalt like Blue, much more attractive & seductive ...

The main reason the brightness bothers me,is that the 6900 sits right next to my new 30" Wdescreen HD TV just to the left & below by about 10", so it is very distracting while watch TV esp. late at night when all is dark ,they light up the roon like searchlights.( I didn't realize this would be so intense and glaring, on it's own the 6900 at night wouldn't cause this annoyance but as it stands it is very distracting from the total movie experience in the dark.

I have no option to move the 6900 or the TV , so my question is,is there an option to turn down the brightness or to change the colour to a deeper darker blue colour? (Without voiding the warranty or screwing around with it)

Thx very much , hope there is a easy/cheap solution to this problem.

Regards, TK

Showing 1 response by hassel

I played around with power cables a lot during the last year, for my McIntosh's: Shunyata's Black Mamba, the Australian Eichmann Xpress-power cable, an LAT-International cable, and PS Audio's Statement power cable. The PS Audio beat all others; you may get it used on the Gon. If value for price is included, the clear vistor was the LAT International. I made another interesting discovery, however, after including an Exact Power EP15 unit: The differencesbetween the power cables now became next to negligible. So just my two cents: Maybe go for a power-regulating or regenarating unit first, then compare power cables.