tonearms, straight and curvy

Even today, there seems to be no consensus as to what's best.  For instance, many Japanese manufacturers still seem to favor that curve.  Some even have a kind of double curve. (No idea if there's a technical terminology for this...)

I've read about the different geometries  (Lofgren, etc.); do different ones of these work better with straight vs. curvy?

Showing 2 responses by chakster

Which straight tonearms do you mean? A linear tracking type? 

Apart from the linear tracking type tonearms i know only one straight arm (Viv Lab) for high-end market. 

The rest of the arms with straight armtube have an offset angle on the headshell anyway. 

So the "Technics" curve allows for a "straight-on" attachment of the headshell, whereas straight arms require the headshell offset?

Ok, let me show you my Reed 3P tonearm.
The arm wand is straight, but there is an offset angle on the platform where the cartridge is mounted.

Do all arms with a collet attached/removeable headshell need to be S-shaped, in order to accommodate that feature?

No, but the headshell for straigh arm is different from the headshell for S or J shaped arm. They are not compatible on one arm.

P.S. This is the only pivoted straight tonearm with straight headshell to mount a cartridge with no offset. You can read more about it. Very strange concept.

Linear tracking tonearm is straight, but completely different from conventionel pivoted arms as you can see.