Tonearm wire selection

I'm contemplating of replacing the current tonearm wire (Incognito solid core copper/Eichmann silver bullet RCA) with Van den Hul MCS-150M/WBT silver RCA. My tonearm is the Schroeder No.2FW.

Does anyone have any experience with both these cables and can comment if the change to VDH/WBT will be a upgrade?

Thanks again!

Showing 1 response by sibelius

When I got my SME312S tonearm it came with Vandenhul wire. I thought there was something wrong with the SME until my dealer strongly recommended I swap out the Vandenhul with a Graham IC-70. Huge difference (This coming from someone who is extremely skeptical regarding spending big $ on cables). Given my poor experience with the Vandenhul I'd suggest not buying that brand unless you can demo in your system first.