Tonearm: Well Tempered Lab LTD MK2

According to ortofon tips tonearm with 10g effective mass is great match for cartridges with compliance from 20um to 30um @ 10Hz (in our world) which is equal to compliance of 10 or 15 @ 100Hz in Japan World.

Any chance to read a comments from ZYX users about Well Tempered Lab LTD mK2 tonearm? It must be ideal combination as ZYX compliance is 12/15 x10-6 (100Hz).

All info about Well Tempered Lab new and unique tonearm is here;

Showing 2 responses by samtse

i'm ex-user WT reference,and now is WT amadeus GT,tonearm is latest symmetrex LTD,i use LYRA skala,and hum/noise never happen in my system

Hi Chakster,

i'm really happy with my WT phono is Whest PS30RDT.SE,It is a good phono too,
although i never own a expensive turntable,but sometimes i have chance to visit my net fans to listen their expensive turntable,after that so i can make sure the WT Amadeus is a really good turntable,at last you better to go to listen it.