tonearm match ZYX Universe Moerch and Triplanar

I decided to take a much bigger analog plunge

I'm working with Mehran on a tonearm for a Zyx Universe
between the Moerch DP6 and Triplanar VII. Mehran is really great - a true audiophile gentleman.

the precise dial in setup of the triplanar interested me (particularly because I am a relative neophyte at this) but it's a bit more expense.

I currently have a Nottingham Spacedeck which I'll eventually upgrade from but the Moerch drops directly into the Spacedeck mount and others here tell me the Notts match well with the Moerch.

Can anyone commment on the synergy of these two with the Universe? later flexibility with other tables? any other helpful jewels of knowledge would be greatly appreciated (I don't want to limit myself like with the Spacedeck).

My listening preferences lean more toward correct tonal balance and engaging dynamics over ultra hi resolution. I listen to a lot of jazz, acoustic and rock music.



Showing 1 response by motnic


Glad to help.

Let us know how the VTAF works out. The lack of a VTA adjuster is the main Moerch downside.