tonearm match ZYX Universe Moerch and Triplanar

I decided to take a much bigger analog plunge

I'm working with Mehran on a tonearm for a Zyx Universe
between the Moerch DP6 and Triplanar VII. Mehran is really great - a true audiophile gentleman.

the precise dial in setup of the triplanar interested me (particularly because I am a relative neophyte at this) but it's a bit more expense.

I currently have a Nottingham Spacedeck which I'll eventually upgrade from but the Moerch drops directly into the Spacedeck mount and others here tell me the Notts match well with the Moerch.

Can anyone commment on the synergy of these two with the Universe? later flexibility with other tables? any other helpful jewels of knowledge would be greatly appreciated (I don't want to limit myself like with the Spacedeck).

My listening preferences lean more toward correct tonal balance and engaging dynamics over ultra hi resolution. I listen to a lot of jazz, acoustic and rock music.



Showing 14 responses by audiotomb


thanks for the tip but it looks like I don't have access

the Nott base part is is 2/5/8 thick with only 5/8ths room below this. Unless I can find a way to hang it over the edge of the plinith it doesn't look like it will work

thanks guys

nice to hear a direct comparison

the synergy of the drop in with the Nottingham and lower price and arm mass matching led me to the Moerch.

I am drooling over that triplanar vta adjustment
would be nice when I upgrade the table.

I see teres has a Moerch/teres vta on the fly adapter, but it probably only works on their own tables

looks like a better VTA solution
Peter Riggle's VTAF - note ad "VTAF" on the gon and website
they are well liked on audio asylum as well

I like the Spacedeck custom small armboard
(no drilling required)

you can dial in vtf on the fly and get better tonal issues because the arm isn't clamped down tight

I'm going with the Moerch DP6 arm
now the added bonus of VTA

thanks to Motnic (tom) for the tip

the nott arms are not in the same league
I have the graphite arm and it has a ringy tone
looking to upgrade and get synergy with a zyx cartridge
the arm issue - has a ringy strident tone with a sumiko blue point special (my zyx doesn't arrive for at least another week)

funny you should mention moving up to the triplanar and table first arm second cartridge third
because I was looking at just that in the last few days

I was initially set on getting a triplanar but was informed it was like putting racing tires on a cadillac with my spacedeck - hence the Moerch option

the triplanar's adjustible vta was very alluring to me, and a key factor is synergy. Ithought it would match well will the ZYX

since I was already making major upgrades to phono pre, cartridge and arm I decided not to let the table or arm be the limiting factor

I am considering the Amazon Model One
those who use it with the tripanar have very good synergy
flying red - thanks for the comments, funny over the last several days I came across your comments on another table. I'm actually looking now at a Galibier Gavia table. Your input as well as Dan's really peacked my interest

A trip to Denver may be in the cards

good points guys

Obviously I agre as I am getting a ZYX Artisan phono stage from Wayne WNG here on audiogon. Funny, because the phono stage was the first thing purchased and led me to expand the whole analog setup

The front end is coming togehtr. The ZYX Artisian, triplanar and loricraft arrived yesterday
The Universe is in the mail (thanks Mehran).

I can't wait to get the triplanar setup - but it's not a drop in with the Nott, so I'll wait. These come very nicely packaged and are quite stunning arms.

I'm leaning towards the Galidier Gavia table which will be a few months - so I'll set up the cartridge on my spacearm in the mean time. I may even mount a Shure 15 on my arm before I venture to the more costly ZYX - just for good practice. I have a Feikert protractor to dial things in with.

after three weeks of having the Universe setup on the spacedeck with the ZYX Artisian phono pre I've been really pleased with the performance - I do hear some limitations and the setup is not yet ideal

I can hear some noise elements in low level passages and can't wait to get the Galibier Gavia and install my triplanar tonearm and really dial things in. I've really am enjoying vinyl - no casual listening sessions - it's too engaging for that.

The Loricraft has been a must have and really extracts the most out of the records with mostly dead quiet backgrounds. I can't wait till I catch up - I have too many new finds coming in and my older collection as well, so the number of records I've cleaned is only in the 50-70 lp range.

I'm considering a Neuance platform for my target wall mount shelf. Has anyone went down this route?

Richard - thanks for the warning

I have a target shelf that has a piece of plywood reinforced to the wall and studs
may not be enough for the Gavia

what would you suggest
Sound Anchors?

Dan - you mentioned not to use the cones etc

thanks for the wake up call
I guess I never factored in 120+ lbs for the Galibier

won't the granite ring a little?

I have a nice granite slab on my target rack but will need a larger one (I buy left over slabs from local countertop sources - they have some great italian red granite that makes this geologist envious)

just a plain table? no audiophile stand?
Thanks Dan and Richard

I'll try a short and long term solution on the table stand

I'm curious - how jaw dropping was the Galibier over your last table?
thanks Dan for the details

I was considering a Steve Blinn design with maple butcher block piece on top. Maybe I could order it without the butcher block and place granite on the frame which is heavy duty alluminum.

looking at a 24" by 18 " drop in piece
