Tonearm lift

Does anyone out there know of a good tonearm lift that would work with a straight arm linear tracker like the ET ?

Showing 2 responses by mijostyn

I just got one. Works the treat. They go fast and Brian is an aero space machinist. Most of his work is one offs for the military.  He can not make lifts real fast. If none of the stores have them call Brian directly at Expressimo Audio. If you have to wait for Brian to make one you will have to be patient. He also makes custom turntables and a tonearm with a radio controlled VTA ! 
Anyway, the design of this one is brilliant. It puts very little stress on the cantilever and there is no trigger mechanism to get stuck or wear out.
It would be a little tricky mc. You have to get the counterbalance weight right and the height is critical. The lever has to contact the arm when it it perfectly horizontal so that the arm is lifted straight up to minimize the "thump"  the Expressimo has an elegant lift adjustment. The lift is supplied with strips of felt to stick where ever needed.