Tonearm/Cartridge Compatability

I am considering installing an Ortofon TA-110 tonearm and 2M Black cartridge on my renovated Thorens TD-124 turntable. However, I have some concerns regarding this combination:
a) Mike Fremer recommends that this cartridge be used in an arm that permits adjustment of VTA and SRA. I believe that the TA-110 has no such adjustment, nor an azimuth adjustment.
b) Using data on Vinyl Engine, I calculate the resonance of the tonearm/cartridge combination to be in the 6.6 range, significantly below the recommended 8 - 11. Consequently, I have some concerns regarding degradation of sound quality, which is my primary criterion.
Can anyone in this forum weigh in on this subject?
Thanks, GK

Showing 1 response by gregkraus

Thank you all for your most helpful input. Yesterday evening, I was discussing this with Chris Thornton of Artisan Fidelity. Apparently one of the problems with determining resonance levels for matching tonearms and cartridges, is the lack of standardization by manufacturers for cartridge compliance. For example, Ortofon measures dynamic lateral compliance for the 2M Black in different units than those used for the Sumico Blackbird. Of course the quality of sound is the ultimate determination, but it pays to be on track with the specs to start with. Isn't it time for cartridge manufacturers to standardize? Ciao, GK