Tonearm/Cartridge Combinations: What Do You Own (Or Have Owned) And Recommend?

I recently added vinyl to my system. I began looking for one place on A-gon that asked folks to list the tonearm/cartridge combinations they personally own or have owned and highly recommend. I didn't find anything, so I'm hoping this thread will provide a quick reference for the vinyl crowd to see what combinations other folks are using with satisfaction.
I'm running a Reed 3P tonearm with a Van den Hul Crimson cartridge. The turntable is a Dobbins modified Garrard 301.I highly recommend this combination.
Please grow this thread with your own personal recommendations.
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Showing 1 response by mulveling

Any stone body Koetsu sounds magical on either a Fidelity Research FR64fx or FR64S. In a lower price bracket, the Shelter Accord on FR64fx can be pretty shocking in just how much of the stone Koetsu’s musicality it replicates, for less $$$$. But this model may have been discontinued? It’s frustrating trying to get Shelter information here in the USA.

In an even lower price category, the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze is a great match in 64fx, but this is a bit more notable drop-off from the Shelters and Koetsus. On a tighter budget, a Cadenza Red on 64fx can do nicely in a pinch, but again the drop-off from Bronze will be noticeable. I fought a bit of brightness/fatigue with the higher-line Ortofons (Windfeld MC, Jubilee) on 64fx, which perhaps indicates that the Cadenzas’ lower compliance got on better with that arm? Either way, the midrange on those Ortofons didn't woo me like the Japanese cartridges. 

The FR arms on the used market can be quite a deal.