Tonearm ...... Acos Lustre GST-801 ..... Yea/Nay

Acos Lustre GST-801, claim to fame is magnetic stylus force and magnetic anti-skate.

Hopping about, getting ready to pick the rear arm of 2 arm deck. Use for existing Shure 97xe and V15VxMR, both with their dynamic stabilizer brush, and AT440ml (no brush), and NEW Mono Cartridge.

vinyl engine

one for sale, $899. usd

thanks for any insight about it,


Showing 3 responses by uberwaltz

Cartridge's can definitely be the ultimate rabbit hole from where there is little hope of seeing daylight again!
Best groove
I get your point on being out the money and your description of being left in your underwear is very funny.

Now here in the USA I will not ship anything I sell without full shipping insurance and I demand the same from sellers who are shipping to me.
It can still be a hassle to get your money back in the event of a claim but its better than nothing.
Best groove
Paypal only adds on about 3%
It is ebay fees set at 10% that are the killer
So total to ebay is 13% of your hard earned money.
Sell same item on USAA and even if they use paypal now you are only down 3%.
Its a no brainer for a seller tbh, I have just sold an item a few minutes ago on USAA and at $208 inc shipping, Paypal fee was $6.30 or so.
On ebay that would have been $26.30!