Tone Arm Lifter



I have a new table and wonder if some here have installed a tonearm lifter, and if so, which did they find fit well and worked best?  My table is a Technics SL-1300G.


Thanks for any input.


Showing 1 response by oldaudiophile

Another vote for the Audio Technica AT6006R!  Quality manufacturing, reasonably priced and lifts your tonearm gently.  There are cheaper or less expensive alternatives that lift a tonearm but do so very abruptly.  I wouldn't trust those.  My fear is the tonearm would bounce around and the cartridge & stylus could come crashing down on the record.  Little Fwend is nice, well reviewed but wickedly overpriced.  The AT is half the price, as well manufactured and works just as well.  It's a little finicky to set up correctly but works like a charm.