Tonality of Jay's Transport?

Having demo'd the Pro-ject RS2 and compared it to my Sim260DT, I'm well aware that transports differ in terms of their capacity for reading data off a disc. 

I returned the Pro-ject (I found its small size and light weight impractical) before it was burned in and therefore garnered little sense of how it affected the overall tonality of my system. Furthermore, it was demo'd before I acquired my current integrated. 

Now I am considering purchasing the Jay's and am wondering if anyone can comment on its tonality. I'm particularly interested in how it might affect the mids in my system. 

Although my Aqua La Voce 2 DAC and Silverline SR17.5 monitors are typically regarded as warm, I've found my Hegel H390's neutral character has a greater impact on the sound of the system, overall. I often turn up the mids to 2 - 0 - clock on my Schiit Lokius and would not want a transport than would impart any sense of lean-ness. As I cannot return the Jay's, I feel a need for caution, here. 





Showing 8 responses by stuartk


Many thanks for the clarification.

While I've not measured the bass extension in my room, I'm confident it does not remotely approach 18hz. 


Good to know I'm not the only one who's had issues with that aspect of the RS2.

As for synergy, it's been my experience that we can never really be sure how components will behave together until we actually hook them up, press play/drop the needle and hear for ourselves. 



My aim is to balance the two presentations (voluptuous vs. analytical).

I've tried gear in my system that has pushed it to one extreme or the other, on various occasions. I believe it's just as worthwhile to hear, first-hand, what we don't enjoy as it is to hear what we do enjoy. Otherwise, we have no real benchmark-- merely a mental concept. 

I demo'd the Pro-ject with a tubey-sounding Wells Majestic integrated and my initial impression was very positive although I could not get used to the Pro-ject's ergonomics. 

While I would not describe the Hegel as analytical, it is much more resolving and clear than the Wells, so, based upon your comments, I imagine it will pair well with the Jay's. 

At the same time, I fully appreciate the subjective nature of the hobby and recognize there is still a possibility I may not like the Jay's. Be assured, in such a case, I will not expect you to fall on your sword!  


Thanks very much for your comments, including the warning about its sound prior to burn in.

I don't have much flexibility in terms of speaker placement so I hope that's not going to be a sticking point. This is not an issue I've encountered in reviews of this unit or other transport threads here. Don't mean in any way to refute what you say-- only to say your observations in this regard are unexpected. 

Not sure how you define hi-rez. My Hegel integrated is pretty resolving but no-one would likely describe my my Aqua DAC as "analytical". 


Many thanks for your on-point response.

I am seeking the type of presentation you ascribe to the Jay's and will therefore order one.

Best wishes,






"I don’t think it ads any color to the sound that I can tell. But there is a lot of factors at work here."

Agreed-- it's never merely about one component but how it behaves as part of a specific system.