Tonality comparison: Cardas vs. Tara Labs

Can anyone help me understand the difference between the typical "house sound" of the Cardas lineup versus the Tara Labs lineup? What are the sonic differences and what are sonic similarities? I'm talking about the slightly better models from each lineup......i.e. Tara Labs Air 1 through 3 or the Cardas Cross, GC, GR, etc.
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Showing 1 response by zuzu

I use Tara RSC Master GEN2 between preamp and power amp and I use Cardas Golden Cross between CD player and preamp. In my system they both offer a wide soundstage but the Tara lets you hear a wider soundstage towards the back of the soundstage. The above opinions were acurate in describing the tonal balance of both cables. Since I prefer a richer sound, I have Cardas speakers to complement the upstream cables. In my system the Cardas and Tara cables work well together.