Tom Petty: It was an "accidental" OD

It was just reported on my local news that Tom Petty's autopsy revealed the cause of his death was an "accidental" overdose. When is an overdose not accidental? The report said multiple drugs were found in his system, as is often the case with OD's.

Showing 2 responses by shadorne

+1 @slaw 

Wake Up a Time  is another song that really speaks for me.  He definitely could capture complex emotions and paint those feelings in music and words. Not a great voice but his expressive intonation carried feeling so well. I recommend the Soundstage Bluray to capture Tom live at his best.
Petty never did much antics on stage if any at all. Blame the rockstar lifestyle if you will and a combination of issues with aging. Nevertheless it is tragic. I have seen him live many times and the last time with the Hypnotic Eye tour a few years ago - he did not look well at all at that time. Such a great talent and passion for song writing. His songs spoke to so many perhaps his single greatest talent was a profound insight into the human spirit and joy/pain of living.