today i got my new Focal Electra 1038BE ,help

oday i got my brand new Focal Electra 1038BE , need some help for the rest of the system

later i will add the Electra center and rear
sub , i don't know if to buy the electra also or something else


Multi channel amp and pre processor

until now i connect my computer with optic cable to the receiver with motherboard sound card

i'm new to the high end sound
until now i connect my computer with optic cable to the receiver with motherboard sound card
i don't even now what is DAC and how to get good sources

because i want to use the system for HT and also for stereo music
i need Multi channel amp and pre processor , right?

Classe' SSP-800 , what are their price? i think they are too expensive
i need to invest more money on the rest of the Electra system

red that the 1038 BE
are very clear and pure sound
need very good amp

can you recommend amp that match?

i have tech question:
usually i hear full detail when i listen in high volume
but i don't have dedicate isolated sound room that i can listen without interrupt to other people around.

there is a way to enjoy music without high volume?
maybe specific Amp better then other for that
or my big speakers can't do that anyway?

(hope you understand my poor english)

this model can be good enough for pre ?
Hi Pelo,
If you have the budget, then go for XA60.5 (but I'm pretty sure XA30.5 is enough for your 93db 8ohm speakers). You cannot go wrong with Pass XA.5 series.

No, if you have a DAC with volume control, you don't need a pre (using a pre is YMMV. I personally prefer with a pre). But you should look for a DAC with analog volume control instead of a digital one.

NAD M51 DAC ($2k) is a good choice.

If $$ not a concern, this is what I'd like for your system.
1038 Be speakers
Pass XA60.5 amp
Pass XP-10 pre
Audio Research DAC8 (or NAD M51)
Empirical Audio Off-ramp USB to coaxial converter (reclocker/ de-jitterer)
Mac Mini with flash drive and power supply upgrade (Amarra or Pure Music software)
Grover Huffman ICs, digital cable, speaker cables and power cords
Sounds good, Kzhtoo. However, I would go with the Audio Research over the NAD.

sound great!
i didn't thought about Mac mini , small and powerful
how can i upgrade the power supply?

didn't understand:
if the DAC have PRE built in , why i need to buy also PRE?

i spoke with 1038 owner , he tried many options
he like PRE with Tube and power Amp
but finally he bought Simaudio 700i (maybe to save space on the living room , not sure why)
what do you think ?

because i'm new to the HI-FI world , maybe i need to start small and later to sell and upgrade?
what will be the best AMP for lower value?
if i will get 90% from the lower value amp instead of 100% from XA60.5 it will be ok with me

for DAC
what are my options?
Audio Research or NAD M51 , are the best or should i consider more models?

what about this integrated amp?
Hi Pelo,
Mac mini can wait. I was just laying out what I think is an incredible set of gears to bring out the true potential of 1038 Be. If you already have a PC with optical out, I'd rather buy a reclocker first to clean up the jitter first (as mentioned in a previous thread, $600 Empirical Audio Synchro-mesh reclocker will make it very worthwhile).

Most DAC don't have a built-in pre, what they have is volume control, mostly digital. Benchmark dac1 pre may be what you are seeking, DAC + an analog volume control (I prefer analog volume control than digital one).

You could try out Simaudio integrated but not my cup of tea. This is what fascinating about this hobby. Not being my taste should have no bearing on what you'd like. Try it if the price is within your comfortable range, you might like it and think "what the hack kzhtoo is talking about".

This is exactly what I've been saying. You are need to go overboard on the amp. Pass XA30.5 is more than enough for your efficient 93db 1038 Be. Used price is around $3.5k here on A'gon. And there's always Parasound, you can get A21, a well reviewed performer, for under $2k, excellent starting point!

$1.2k Metrum Octave will give you 90% of NAD M51. Your money your decision. If you're looking for under $1k, there are plenty to choose from. If you want a volume control with your DAC, go with Benchmark.

Also, may be a good idea to re-read this entire thread. What you thought a couple of weeks ago might not be what you think right now. I'm sure you have been researching and gained some knowledge.