To Tube or not to Tube......

For quite some time now I've been thinking about switching from a solid state to a tube power amp. My Threshold T-100 has been real good to me and I do like it, but it's really the only "high-end" amp I've ever owned, so it's all I know. I'm intrigued by the "warm" sound of tubes and do have a tubed phono amp and CD player, but I am by no means well-versed in the sound of tube power amps having never really auditioned one. I know that goes against the prevailing wisdom and I should listen before I buy, but I don't think I will have the luxury of doing that.

That being said, I've gone through about 20 pages of this forum reading about the benefits and detriments of tubed power amps but nothing I've read has swayed me either way. The posts I've read have been informative re: bias issues, reliability, blowing fuses or whatever else might blow up or go wrong with the tubs, etc. So, if I were to go the tube route, I would not want deal with too much of that hassle. At lease I know that the amp I have doesn't have any such issues. That's why I was leaning toward amps like BAT with their auto biasing (I also need balanced inputs), and would want at least 60-100 wpc. I would be willing to deal with adjusting bias so long as it was a relatively simple process.

I figured I would pose my main question to the exerts here (and this I did learn for this forum): given what I already have in my system, what tube amp would be a good match for me? My pre-amp is a SS Threshold, JM Lab speakers with a "minimum impedance of 4 Ohms," EAR 834P phono stage, & Unison tube cd player.
Much appreciated.

Showing 45 responses by ebuzz

I am sort of leaning toward the Jolida, but the JD1000P. I think Wolf would approve, no? Something new with warranty would be nice.
> Dan: thanks. I can't really make any other changes to my system other than the Amp. I'm happy with the rest of my gear (for now) and my speakers. The JM Labs are fine for me and at 4 ohms should be easy to drive with almost any tube amp. I do have my eye on a used Audio Research VS 115. The main things I don't want to have to be concerned about is having to send the unit in for repairs because something blew somewhere or have to spend $thousands to replace tubes over and over again.
>Viridian: I'm kinda a hands on guy, & don't have a problem tube rolling, or playing with bias, but I don't want to do it ALL the time. When I get in the mood to experiment, then I can experiment and play around, but if I want to just listen, then that's all I want to do at that time. But like I said before, I don't to have to worry about things blowing up b/c a tube blew.
Thanks Z, you've eased my fears about things blowing and biasing problems so I won't worry about that anymore. I'm not real concerned about heat either, it's a pretty big room and my Threshold gets pretty hot too. I'm sure amps like the Carvers are out of my price point right now. I am looking at the Jolida, an ARC VS115, a BAT 60 & maybe one or two others. All of which are used &/or here on A-gon. I'm the sort that seems to stick to one thing for years so I want to get the best one I can afford now b/c it will be here for years.
Unisond: I confess that I am not as conversant in all the technical terms we use in this business or what they all mean. I checked the specs and on the back of the speakers it says: "impedance mini 4 ohm". But in the brochure that came with the speakers it says:
"nominal impedance 6 ohm
Minimal impedance 5 ohm
Sensitivity 90 dB
Max power175w"
So are they 4, 5, or 6 ohm speakers?
Well, I do have my eye on a ARC VS-115 and a BAT V-60 if the A-gon member still wants to sell it as well as the Jolida.
OH Mike..... Just when I thought I knew what I was doing!!!! Can you say Monkey wrench! Thanks for the advice. I'm sure there is much validity in what you say!
Sound? I'm looking for a nice rich, warm, full sounding amp with lots of detail. I wanna hear each instrument distinctly and know where it is on the stage! I'm not a BIG bass fan, but I certainly what to hear the bass.
Hopefully, I'll get that with the Jolida. Placed my order this afternoon.
Fingers crossed!
Ok so lets assume I decided to pull the trigger and go with tubes. Which amp would get the most votes: an ARC VS 115; mcIntosh 275 V; Jolida 502B or a BAT VK 75SE? Or maybe one of the nice Krell or Mark Levinson SS amps I see for sale here? I am a little concerned by the issues raised in this thread > Solid State to replace Audio Research REF110?
Budget? Well on the high end we have a new VS 115 at $5k ( but I can sell my T-100 for $1k, so in reality my cost is only $4K); and on the low end there's the Jolida at approx $1000.
I know that's the preferred way to go Unsound, but I don't have that luxury. I don't know of any place to go to.listen to potential replacements and don't want to hunt out a dealer, listen to what they have only to purchase here on Audiogon. I can't afford to buy what I want new. Alas.
Yes that's what I meant 502P. And I wanna be just like Jason. Is that YOUR recommendation?
Just had a nice conversation with a gentleman from Jolida named Mike who was very knowledgeable and helpful. Their product seems a great value for the money, but will it be a significant upgrade from my current T-100? It would seem so to me.
Thanks, Dad! The speakers should all be OK. I did check that out. Fun? I hope so, but I hope I don't make a BIG mistake.
OK, but getting back to the issue at hand....ME!! I've sort of settled on a Jolida JD 1000P with all the Underwood HiFi mods. It would have been nice to go for a ARC, MAC, CJ, BAT or something with a more widely regarded reputation, but none of those would be in my price range. Not new anyway, and it would be nice to have the security of a warranty.
There doesn't seem to be any other options at this price point that would be this nice. It seems to be the best bargain for the buck. Any objections?
Thanks, Jedi, that is one fear that I do have. Different, but not necessarily better. Don't know exactly how to deal with that problem, and that's what makes this decision so stressful. My T-100 is a fine amp, but I know it's not like one of the older Thresholds (when NP was still there), and it certainly isn't up there with those "A" rated amps. So I figure this has got to be better (fingers crossed).
Thanks Jedi, I'll keep that in mind. Unfortunately, I won't be able to do the A/B comparisons, I sold my T-100 and will pack it up and ship it off this week. It's sort of a leap of faith thing at this point.
Thanks again Wolf; I'm going to pull the trigger sometime today. The only snag is that I may go for a ARC VS115 I found for a good price. I'm sort of sedentary in my ways, i.e., when I get something I tend to stick with it forever! So I want to get the best I can afford now, and not have to worry about upgrading in a few years. I can get the ARC for less than $900 more than the 1000P. Seems like a no-brainer.
I'll decide after lunch!!!
Yeah, I just got to get this over with, be a man and make a decision. STOP ME before I start a VS 115 vs Jolida 1000P thread!!!
Unsound, when you only know one thing, it's hard to say what you don't like. It's not that there's some thing about it that I dont like, per se,it's just that its all I've know. I want to try something different, and tubes is the way I want to go.
I would say that the T-100 did have a nice sound, but if it was lacking anything it would be in the areas of separation and perhaps sound stage.
OK, so there is a chance that the switch might not be all that I hope for, but it's a little too late for me now. My T-100 is sold so I've got to do something. At this point, I'm committed to giving tubes a try and hoping for the best. The sole issue is: a new Jolida 1000P or a used ARC VS115 with new tubes, in "excellent" condition for approx $800 more?
> Atmasphere: I have checked that and either amp will drive my speakers without issue.
I was waiting for your input Wolf. Although 2 amps sounds nice, for the foreseeable future that isn't doable for me. That being said, I'm sticking to just one amp. My guess would be that you are of the opinion that a new 1000P would do me better than an "excellent condition" ARC VS 115 with 2 sets of tubes, one set brand new?
Hurry and make a decision, I want to do this today? LOL :)
Warranty ...Warranty!! that's the only issue now for me to work on. I do like the idea of the security a warranty offers, but Jedi & Wolf do have a good points. I gotta do this SOON!
Maybe I'll just flip a coin!!
Be a Man! OK, someone step up to the plate, be a man and tell me what the HELL to do! :)

Jolida: pros: New; Easy bias; EL-34 tubes (ppl have said my
JM lab speakers tend to be a bit "bright"
so the 34's may sound better than 6550's)
cons: ?

ARC: pros: resale value; higher quality? extra tubes
name recognition?
cons: no warranty, $845 more
That's it then. I'll go with the Jolida. Mucho thanks for all the help and insight.
Thanks! I did, however, get the full compliments of upgrades that Walter at Underwood HiFi offered. Upgraded tubes, capacitors etc. I've very excited about the choice. I don't usually second guess myself, so I anticipate that I will be happy. I guess that between the ARC and this one it's like a BMW or Mercedes, they're both great and I'd be happy with either one.
I am aware of break in time but did have one question: if we're talking about 200 or so hours. Can u leave it on for that long a time at one stretch?
I knew that leaving a tube amp on too long was not a good idea. I like the idea of listening while it breaks in. I am psyched and can't wait to get it all hooked up. I will report back with my thoughts.
Somwhats the consensus on Orpheus' view? Will I not get a tube sound with a SS preamp?
I'm happy to hear that, although I suspected as much. I will have to check back with you guys after my tax refund comes in for opinions on a suitable preamp. Without opening up a new can of worms, but if you had to choose between which of the two components to invest the most in would it be the amp or preamp? Maybe that's the subject for a different thread?
I agree Charles & that's what I intend to do. This is my first real change since 1997 with the exception of new interconnects and speaker cables. I will stick with this for a while and after a tube preamp, that should do for quite some time.
So, my Jolida 1000P tube amp arrived and I'm just beginning to getting it broken in. I had an issue with a low hum. I wasn't sure if it was a natural noise from the tubes or a problem. It was an almost imperceptible hum that you could only hear if you put your ear right up next to the speaker. It got worse when I connected the preamp so I put a cheater plug on the preamp and it's all but gone. Probably just a ground loop.
Also, I changed from my SS preamp and bought a BAT VK-51 SE tubed preamp. Now, I'm all tubes!
I only have less than 20 hrs on the amp so it's not nearly broken in yet.
Looking forward to getting it going.
Now, soon I'll need to ask about tube buffers, stock or add on feet or blocks for the preamp, vibrapods, or whatever etc...
I hope we're more fun, Wolf. I went for the complete mod on the Jolida that included
"4 EAR compliant Sorbothane isolation feet" to replace the stock feet plus I have it sitting on a Mapleshade type dense wood block. So that might be enough for that piece.
Yes, EJ, it's been an interesting experience making the switch from SS to tube. Since I'm still breaking-in my components,it's a little early to give a full evaluation, but I have noticed an improvement in depth and sound stage even at this early juncture. More to come....
LOL Wolf!!! As I now embark on my tube-life, I was wondering what sort, if any, isolation devices are best placed under my amp and preamp? Rubber? African Zebra wood? Myrtle wood? or perhaps the old rubber inner tube trick?