To those with multiple tables/arms/cartridges

How do you 'play' your system?
For 30 years I had only one turntable, one arm and one cartridge......and it never entered my mind that there was an alternative?
After upgrading my turntable nearly 5 years ago to a Raven AC-3 which allowed easy mounting of up to four tonearms......I decided to add two arms.
A few years later I became interested in Direct Drive turntables and purchased a vintage 30 year old Victor/JVC TT-81 followed shortly after by the top-of-the-line TT-101 and I designed and had cast 3 solid bronze armpods which I had lacquered in gloss black.
By this time I had over 30 cartridges (both LOMCs and MMs) all mounted in their own headshells for easy interchange.

Every day I listen to vinyl for 3-4 hours and might play with one cartridge on one arm on one table for this whole day or even two or three days.
I then might decide to change to a different arm and cartridge on a the same table or perhaps the other.....and listen to the last side I had just heard on the previous play.
I am invariably thrilled and excited by the small differences in presentation I am able to hear....and I perhaps listen to this combination for the next few days before again lusting after a particular arm or cartridge change?

Is this the way most of you with multiple cartridges/arms listen?......or are there other intentions involved?

Showing 1 response by hesson11

"Is this the way most of you with multiple cartridges/arms listen?"

Who is going to be the wise guy who says, "No. I listen to music, not equipment?" :-)

I guess I just did! Actually, for LPs that are on the cool side, I use my warmer-balanced Grado Sonata. For LPs that are on the warmer side, I use my cooler-balanced Shelter 501 Mk. II. That's about it!