to SACD or not

Here looking to possibly get a sacd player to replace the rotel 1072 I've used happily for some while now. As my sacd collection grows I cannot help but wonder how a solid built player with no frills would be to listen to. Thought of going with a BAT player but many rave on the Ayre unit. EMM Labs is also a thought if I came across a deep discount. Budget is between 5 & 10k

Any opinions or comments are greatly appreciated

Showing 1 response by sutts

Love my EMM CDSA-SE (~ $5,500 used)- reviews are spot on. More natural sounding than my friend's Esoteric P-03/D-03 combo... The only other machine I would consider at a similar price point would be the Marantz SA-7S1 (~ $3k used) with mods by Jena Labs (~ $2K) for total of $5k... Above that it takes BIG $$$ to beat these machines IMO... **Caveat- this is for SACD ONLY. On Redbook, my battery p/s modded 47 Labs Flatfish transport and Audio Note 3.1x Balanced Dac betters the EMM...