To refurbish Peter Gunn modded Maggie's or not?


I've got a pair of Maggie's (1.6's) that the late "Peter Gunn" aka John Cruczek modded for me in 2016.

They're in need of some amount of repair.  They sound good  ...but there are multiple wires loose and more worrisome to me, what seems like some significant splits in the mylar.

I know Magnepan has repair kits but with the loose wires I see and the mylar and the general age of the speaker, I thought it was too much for me and sought a estimate from Magnepan.
The estimate was $1900-$2700 with it more likely being on the higher end given the condition of the mylar and the likelihood they need to install new mylar (I sent them photos).

So the question is one of economics.  I like these speakers and have had them for a while but does it make sense to refurbish them for $2700 or would that money be better spent on something new?
--And that is a question I truly can't answer as I've not been following whatsoever recent advances/offerings in the speaker department.

Any opinions on this?



@andrew-benn, assuming you've been pleased with your Gunned 1.6s I'd suggest you have two options.  But that $1.7 to 2.6K repair from Magnepan is not one of them.

First, you say "what seems to be splits in the mylar".  That is not definitive but should be verified by visual inspection.  That should be easy since PG didn't cover the back of the panels.  If the mylar is good and you only have the dreaded wire delamination, repairing that is your answer.

If the mylar has in fact split I'm not aware of any repair for that, so replacement would be your only choice.  I don't know how easy to find but it would be much cheaper to buy another pair of undamaged 1.6s and replace the panels into your frames and with your crossovers..

If not prepared to do that work yourself then simply replacing the entire speaker system seems best.  I like bdp24's suggestion for an ET  model.

I would also suggest going to PG's website (still up I believe) and reread his comments on newer Maggie models.  I understand they are loved by many people, but the PG mods are a different direction so if you loved those consider the newer models may sound quite different.

Thanks to everyone for your for the help with this question.  And if any more want to comment, please jump in.

Bdp24, Great video.  That is very tempting.  And he mentions there are 5 brick and mortar stores you can visit for a listen.  I'm close t the SFO bay area so will see if any are close.  Thanks for this.


Jeffbij,   Yes, Magnepan was ok modding these particular "Gunn" modded speakers.


mclinnguy,  The 1.6 panels look to be removable from the wood surround such that any other 1.6 could be installed.  All the electronics are in a ~12"x8"x6" box that sits on the base of the stand, behind the panel so are completely separate from the speaker itself.


dayglow,  ...yes, I'm thinking on that.  Turns out for me anyway that leaving these gorgeous speakers behind with their high end aspects is proving difficult.  From a $ aspect and just the whole "throw it away vs repair it" aspect.  My "set point" is to repair and not throw away, especially with something like this.  I'm a bit stuck.


pryso, yes, the mylar is definitely split.  As you mention the back of the speakers are open and easy to see and you can get your eyeballs right up to the damaged area of mylar.  And on mylar repair, some amount of damage can be repaired.  PG used to do some of this and in talking with Magnepan, they also --depending on the extent of the damage-- will patch the mylar split(s) instead of replacing the whole mylar sheet.  --My initial idea when approaching Magnepan for repair was, "...these are old speakers to begin with and even if a spot repair was done for the mylar and wires, I'd perhaps encounter other age related issues going forward so get new mylar and wires attached via the new adhesives they're using and I'd have some future proofing."  I just didn't realize the high cost of repair.  And on PG's website, it's been down for a while but I know exactly what you're referring to when you mention to, "reread his comments on newer Maggie models."    PG perceived a whole list of issues with the newer models to the extent some of them he'd refuse to mod.

Sorry to learn PG's site is down.  I saved a link to it but of course that is worthless now.  Seems like I opened it about a month ago.

Anyway, since your mylar is split then possibly worth trying one of the repairs on that first.  If not successful then I'd look for replacement panels to install in Peter's frames.

Whatever path, good luck and report any successes.