To Raven One owners.....

I'm curious as to what table you had previously, and what the Raven One does better? Also, what arm and cartridge are you using with the Raven One. Thank you for sharing.

Showing 7 responses by david12

I used an LP12 with Origin Live DC motor and Ittok arm. Very nice, musical, but the Origin Live Resolution was a big step up in detail, base and neutrality. The TW Acustic Raven one, is another big step up on the Origin Live. Even with the utilitarian, Vivid arm, it is very good indeed.
I switched recently from the more expensive Origin Live Resolution /Illustrious. The OL deck was good, the Raven, better in most aspects, base, neutrality across frequency spectrum, transparency. At the moment I use the basic Vivid arm with a Zyx airy 3. It is already excellent. I have to say, I am waiting to see if Thomas from TW, produces the arm, he is working on.
NO REGRETS..... No, when I bought my table from Graham at GT audio in the UK, he mentioned it. Thomas is certainly working on an arm, which may be available later in the year. I suspect he will not release it, unless he is happy with it. He seems something of a perfectionist, so nothing is certain yet. Designing an arm seems a very different engineering challenge to a table. At least it seems different to a non engineer. Someone said it was mentioned on the TW site, but I can't find it. He is coming to the UK show next weekend, given the chance I will ask him.
The answer to the last question, is yes. I heard the Vivid on the one and Phantom on the AC, side by side when I bought my Raven one. Now clearly they were'nt on the same table, but you could hear the clarity, expanded soundstage etc, the Phantom was bringing. The Vivid is excellent for the money, but it is only a few hundred dollars. There is a review of the one, in one of the online magazines, where the reviewer started with the Vivid and went onto the phantom, have a look at it
I spoke to Thomas at the recent London show, he was very helpful. His arm is well into it's design, he plans it to be very flexible, VTA adjustment on the fligh etc. However it will be more than the Phantom, not finalised, but 5000 to 6000 euro, but not definite yet. Too much for me, but he again said how much he likes the Ortofon, 9 or 12" arm on the one. He thinks it may be ready and presented at RMAF this Autumn
No regrets: the Aro was on the Raven one, with a special bent arm support. The cartridge tags broke twice, trying to set it up, so it was'nt working. Maybe says something re build quality. Thomas confirmed he likes the Ortofon 312 and uses it on his own one. Graham, the UK importer, also recommends it

Stiltskin: Thomas did'nt mention the phonostage and I did'nt ask. I did'nt know about it. As you know, he likes the Tron, made by Graham the UK TW importer. I tried my K&K phono stage against the Tron when I auditioned the table. It was better I think, a bit quiter, more dynamic. It was not massively better and the tron is more expensive