I love all loudspeakers types horns just do more things performance-wise that I prefer sure they may not be for an amateur but if done right horns are one of the better ways to great sound. But the sad thing is audiophile products are not the best place to search for performance in horns the good ones are costly as a home and most are so hamstrung by bean counters and lifestyle design to be not worthy of consideration. Most who say they hate horns have very little experience with horns in a home setting and I can see why not many available of quality for home use and ones that are are rare and costly. If one wants horns and high performance you will need to educate yourself and may have to do a bit of setup at the least. With horns, full horn loading is the best way but its also the largest way. If the horn speaker has a woofer in a box under it you have not heard a horn system at all.