To horn or not to horn

I have never owned a horn speaker. I’m curious if there are any who are first time horn speaker owners after having owned other types of speakers for many years, and are you glad you switched?

Showing 4 responses by isochronism

I've heard these referred to as "long throw" so you're correct as these were also used on stages, etc. YouTube video (search jbl 4550) shows these in a home environment. Plus some crazy-Asians (used VERY respectfully:) have no problem in small dwellings. I did use these for a small period (years ago) with a 50 watt SS amp, which is what I had at the time. I have 300B & 45 SET amps, (which I used with Beauhorns) and just recently purchased a Marchand 2-way active crossover to utilize in near future with JBLs.
I also appreciate mrdecibel's contributions.         With phusis' mention of pro cinema horns, how about the JBL 4676 model? (with 4550 bottom cabinets). Does anyone have any experience with these, or opinions regarding such?
Yes, johnk would certainly be knowledgeable!!              I have an original pair put away for years. I've been looking for a larger place to move to for some time. Hopefully soon!
mrdecibel, My first concern with the JBLs was if they'd fit through the door. (60-36-32 1/2). I imagine your only unsermountable disqualifying factor of large horns not working for you is ..... mrsdecibel! HA