To get best sound quality, roon or lumion app?

To get best sound quality which way is the best to go, us the Lumin app in my Lumin T2 or use Roon to make dsd512 -> T2?
I use Roon and have tried the Lumin app on my U1Mini, and can’t tell any difference in sound quality.  This, to me, is a win for Roon because in every other way it betters the Lumin app, without question.
I never use any upsampling, quality is always worse.
Using T2 and for me Lumin app sounds so much better, that I cannot even use Roon due to the poor quality when compared.
Don't you guys find it annoying to pay a subscription fee for roon (considering its offline software) or did you buy lifetime?
This is what motivates me to get a lumin device so I can use the lumin app instead.
actual sound is same if you dont use dsp but lumin app is one dimensional doesnt support zones... roon ui is much better and function more versatile, worth a lifetime subscription and has flexibility to add hqp for dsd upsample if that floats your boat