To Former owners of Jolida JD 100

Now that you've moved on to other cd players, what in hindsight were the negative charachters of the JD100? I've seen a lot of positive reviews but mostly from current owners. How does the JD 100 compare and contrast with your present player? Was the JD100 involving? How's the PRAT?
Thanks so much in advance.

Showing 2 responses by pescolar

Would anyone out there can recommend either of this european 12ax7 tubes for jolida jd100 ? Which i prefer to used once the jd100 arrived.
This what i heard from others audiophiles.

Telefunken 12ax7...More linear,pure and focused. or
Mullard 12ax7 which more warmer,thick and texturally harmonic.
I listened a lot of jazz with female vocalist and soft rock.
I will check on that Raytheon 5751 and Sylvania 5751.
Btw,i have the Telefunken and Mullard but Fisher branded came from my Fisher 800C.Thanks a lot.