To clean or not to clean...

Brand new spanking vinyl. When one receives a  brand  new never played album. What is the consensus?
To clean or not to clean?

I  have leaned toward not cleaning until after numerous spins. This may be more out of  hope that conditions at the pressing faculty are on par with a semiconductor factory. Overall  I have not had issues, but once in a  blue moon you do  get that annoying pop that make you cringe and think" I should've cleaned this one".

Or am I simply guilty of the lessening of a mundane task.

Showing 1 response by sandstone

Unless you're as dedicated a vinyl cleaner as bikerbw, don't even bother.  Instead, use the extra time saved to polish the knobs on your gear.  Recent studies have shown that dreck, crud, grime and blueberry jam are readily transferred via several pathways to our vinyl. Interesting though, that blueberry jam actually seemed to improve the PRAT on some LPs.