To clean or not to clean...

Brand new spanking vinyl. When one receives a  brand  new never played album. What is the consensus?
To clean or not to clean?

I  have leaned toward not cleaning until after numerous spins. This may be more out of  hope that conditions at the pressing faculty are on par with a semiconductor factory. Overall  I have not had issues, but once in a  blue moon you do  get that annoying pop that make you cringe and think" I should've cleaned this one".

Or am I simply guilty of the lessening of a mundane task.

Showing 1 response by oldaudiophile

According to the real experts, there is no question! ALL vinyl records should be cleaned, even new ones. New records will have the residue of mold release compounds (old ones may, as well, if they've never been properly cleaned before) that should be removed, along with any other microscopic and non-microscopic detritus that may be present after pressing. There are many methods of doing this effectively. Of course, proper care, handling and storage of records are very important, as well (e.g. quality anti-static sleeves). After cleaning, you might want to consider using a product called "LAST" record preservative. Google the LAST Factory and see what you think. However, don't take my word for it. Read this:

Precision Aqueous Cleaning of Vinyl Records-2nd Edition - The Vinyl Press

Not an easy read but as informative a source on this subject as you will ever come across.  You might also want to read what the Library of Congress has to say on this, as well.