To bind or not to bind? This is the question!

Good morning to the community!  I’ll admit to being obsessive-compulsive when it comes to most things’ audio.  I also freely admit that I derive almost as much pleasure from looking at my rig as I do listening to it.  I consider it a work of art.  A piece of sculpture, if you will.  Avant-garde though it may be. 

With that said, I come to the community seeking a bit of sage advice.  While many of you believe such things to be snake oil, I believe that premium interconnects, power cords, speaker cable, fuses etc., are all important components in a system.  I use Shunyata DF-SS cable elevators and their minicable elevators for all runs exceeding approximately 12 inches in length.  In keeping with my preference for aesthetics, I like everything to be very well organized.  This brings me to the crux of my dilemma.      

In the past, I have used zip ties, Velcro and other similar methods of binding to keep things tidy and contribute to clean straight lines of sight.  When I say binding, I mean binding in the extreme.  I pull everything so tight that it gives the appearance of a single thick cable rather than multiple cables.  Here it is:

Does binding of this nature adversely affect the performance of the wires?  If so, why?  If it is detrimental to performance, are there any alternatives.  Can anyone recommend a solution to the problem assuming a problem does exist?  I thank you and enjoy what’s left of the weekend!


Showing 1 response by ebm

Cables should not be that close analog and digital should be separate.Power cords should be separate from interconnects.Good luck be well!