TLC for Vintage Marantz Receiver in NYC Area

A few years ago, I paid a premium for a vintage (late 70's?) Marantz receiver which appeared to be (and was represented to be) in 99 point condition.

For a couple of years, it just sat on a shelf in my office where once in a while I would admire the blue glow of its dials.

Recently, I moved it into the house, where it is hooked up to the cable TV, DVD player and a pair of Epos 12 monitors.

In general, it has worked perfectly, is a joy to use, and has a nice warm, non fatiguing sound.

The left channel has developed an intermittant, staticky drop out, however. This seems to occur more often on the auxilliary input (where I have connected the DVD) but it seemed to also happen on FM.

It is the kind of thing that often goes away by slightly moving or tapping the receiver, turning the input selector back and forth, or even adjusting the volume up and down. So it is really maddening.

More maddening -- I have been screwed over in the NY area by techs and repairmen on vintage equipment and would therefore appreciate any advice - either on how I might diagnose and repair this myself, or if anyone knows an honest technician.

Here's something we rarely hear on Agon: my wife LOVES this component.

So any advice greatly appreciated and thank you very much.

Showing 3 responses by rar1


I live in the NYC area. The best technician in the area for refurbishing Marantz vintage equipment is the The Soundsmith in Peekskill. They can be expensive, depending on what is wrong with the receiver. One thing that I also ask for is to have the power cord upgraded. If you don't feel like driving up/taking Metro North up there (they are a five minute cab ride from the train station), you can UPS/USPS the unit to them. The repair process usually takes a month. The Soundsmith guarantees its work as well.

Sounds like you unit needs a good cleaning ... assuming you know what you are doing (which most of us really don't). There is also the possibility that some capacitors may be going and need replacing. While you are at, you should get the tuner recalibrated and the lights replaced.

Regards, Rich

Answering for Khaki8 ... the amps are different (obviously). I am assuming that you have a 22XX series receiver. Depending on the number, some premiered in 1974 (black dial face with blue lights) and some premiered in 1978/79 (silver dial face with blue lights and some had a B after their name). For example, the 2216 was from 1974 and the 2216B was from 1978/79. Each model seemed to have its own personality ... the 2230 sounded very tube like ... the 2275 put out 75 wpc into 8 ohms and 46 wpc into 4 ohms.

Which Marantz receiver do you have?

Regards, Rich
Hi CW,

Here is some information on the Marantz 2238B . You have a 27 year old component on your hands ... excellent FM section ... pretty decent AM ... warm beefy sound to whatever source you choose to use. I have had good luck with Signal Cable products ... both the Silver Resolution and the Classic/Analysis copper lines. Just make sure that the amp side of the speaker cables are finished with pins, as that will work best the spring loaded speaker terminals of the Marantz.

Regards, Rich