Having a Replay, Dish PVR, and a Tivo with the latest software, I can wholeheartedly recommend a Tivo for features and the PVR for sound quality and picture. There is no category I can recommend the Replay for except maybe price if you can find a great deal on one due to a dealer feeling stuck with one. The TIVO search is actually better than the Replay now that the last update occurred. I have no experience with the Ultimate and can not comment. The dual tuner-recording function would be nice for those with DSS, instead of DishNetwork. As I already have three individual Dish tuners and recorders, it has no value to me at this time. A HDTV PVR will be my next upgrade. If someone with no PVR were to ask me if they should wait for the HDTV unit, I would say no way!You've already missed out for too long and there is always going to be a need for that extra PVR somewhere in the house. Best Regards, Aaron
TIVO and Ultimate TV. Any recommendations?
I am considering the purchase of a digital hard drive recorder like TIVO or Ultimate TV. Is the TIVO company financially solid? I don't see Sony or Philips TIVO products advertised any longer by the major electronics chains like they have been in the recent past. I'm a little concerned about buying into a service that may not succeed. Any insight into the situation would be greatly appreciated.