Tired of boring, polite, laid-back sound.....

Looking for a very lively, open, pulsating intergrated for less than 1k used...considering Arcam, MF, and Creek...basically leaning towards the Brits...am I in the right direction? Could sacrfice some refinement for energized, focused soundstaging....thanks...

Showing 1 response by bartokfan

I agree with aball. I had several speakers and several amps. The less than average amps, NAD and Rotel(brit design) made some pretty good music through my top line speakers, and very aweful sound through my B&W speakers.
Equally my JOR amp sounded pretty crummy passing through the B&W speaker.
So what i am saying, speakers are MORE than 50% of the setup.
But as phasecorrect points out, you need to consider your system a total intergration package.
I started with the JOR. I knew I wanted tubes, I knew I wanted a Jadis, barely made the purchase at $2100, I'll admit.
Then I moved on to upgradeing speakers, then to cdp.