Tips for tagging classical rips?

I've already ripped my collection of blues/rock/alt CDs to a hard drive. I used EAC and ripped the early files into an artist/album/track.WAV format. Later, I shifted to artist/album/trkno_track.WAV format, and wished I had started that way.

I'm now about to embark on ripping my classical music and wondering if anyone can help me avoid any bonehead errors. How have you been tagging/organizing? Since you only get one Artist field, presumably that gets used for the composer... Or, are you using that for performer? Any hints from anyone who has gone this route? What worked, what didn't?

Showing 1 response by slothman

You may want to look at a program call Tag & Rename. I use it exclusively and it is Classical-friendly:

You can set fields as you wish and do batch editing as well. Little bit of a learning curve but an indespensible utility IMHO. Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with the software creator whatsoever.