Tiny bridges everywhere, but why?

As I am getting closer to my first "complete" system, I am starting to research and get opinions on smaller tweaks. The cherries on top, so to speak. The term "smaller" covers the size, cost and possible impact to SQ. 

I do not know what they are called but I am seeing all sorts of devices holding up cables. Don't know why but they remind me of Navy Seals running out of the ocean with a telephone pole over their shoulder...

Thanks to this forum I have learned that everything in some way impacts SQ, so whatever these thingamabobs are called, do they impact SQ or are they a form of cable management? Both? Do materials matter? Am I going to have to splurge on rosewood versions treated with stain containing ash from one of Jerry Garcia's guitars, or could I use old shoes for now to accomplish whatever mission these fulfill?

I could have Googled this topic, but I want to hear from you - Your experience, choices, etc. 
I don’t know the technical terms used for elevating your cables from the floor but it was explained like this to me:
the cable itself has an energy field surrounding the cable caused by the energy flowing through the cable 
Anything that interrupts that flow of electric field surrounding the cable such as floors takes away from the capability of the cable
As soon as I put these https://www.musicdirect.com/vibration-control/cable-elevators-cable-supports under my speaker cables, a top end frequency sparkle was there which was not before.  More clarity would be my best description.  I previously had styrofoam cups under my cables but was advised they produced a dielectric charge and would not work as good as the ceramic elevators above.   Try it and you will hear what I’m explaining 
Good Luck Willy-T
Clearthinker, gold is no good. you have to use a magnetic material to create eddy currents around the wires shielding them from EMI. 
Google it, seek various sources of information. Give more weight for reviewers with many comparative experience keeping in mind the ability of their audio chain for transparency.

This forum has many who assume “it’s wrong till proven right”, “my experience means universal truth”, “my reasoning (which is usually an opinion) is universal truth”. People have different audio chains, room modes, hearing acuity, etc. Like most men who has an inflated sense of their automobile driving skills, my “I’d bet big $$$$” guess is that most audiophiles believe their hearing is at least above average and likely inflated beyond. A few here project on others what they can or cannot hear- makes no sense one claiming what others “perceive” - seems like a bit of arrogance. Often empirical evidence is ignored/belittled, and the fact that the more $ outlay the more one tends to be more scrupulous (making sure they get their money’s worth).

Find out for yourself. It’s best not to look at things black or white but as probabilities. If most reviews say one thing, then “chances are” you’ll experience the same in your own system while keeping in mind their different audio chains, room modes, hearing acuity, etc is different than yours. Look at many sources to try to get a good sample size before drawing your own conclusions.
Nothing is guaranteed.

Also, research the best way to run audiophile cables. Coiling and running them in parallel degrades the signal/sound.

Perhaps Googling “Furutech cable lifter reviews” a good place to start.  Maybe you’ll find the explanations you’re looking for then try to replicate the some of the benefits on the cheap.  It may be a good idea not to use materials that easily retain static electricity which seems bad next to cabling.