Tinnitus - do you have ringing in the ears?

I just read that an Audiogon member is selling a pair of speakers because of Tinnitus - ringing in the ears.

I have Tinnitus in both ears, one worse than the other, but I have learned to live with it.

Do you suffer from Tinnitus? Do you know of a treatment that has had successful results?

The tinnitus in my right ear came about in Early November 2000 when I forgot my ear plugs (stupid , stupid, stupid)going to a rehearsal and did'nt go back and get them as I was already half way there when I realized and it was too far back and I did'nt really have the time and it did'nt really matter that much as the studio we had booked was quite big and I would often not wear plugs in there anyway. Well the studio was double booked and we were relagated to the tiny drum rehearsal room with what is the loudest kit I have ever heard (not to mention the drummer was 100kg's and also a martial arts instructor). Well my ears (right ear)copped a beating.

The ringing in my right ear is audiable over most things although it does'nt drive me crazy, it really mostly annoys me when I'm listening to my system, anyway while studying music we were discussing tinnitus in class and one of the students said that her farther had suffered this after a lifetime working at the airport and was cured by a doctor who had prescribed some sort of (herbal?) ear drops. This was prior to my tinnitus and I hav'nt been able to contact her and could'nt dig up anything on this...until now.
I'm excited by the possibility of H2o2 and am going to give it a go, I'll keep you posted.

I have read that alcohol will cause the ringing to increase but that it will decrease as the alcohol burns off, same goes for aspirin. That has been my experience as well. I have also done some research on the web and have discovered that there is really nothing that can be done. If the tinitus is severe enough the ENT may suggest trying a hearing aid type device that is inserted in the ear and is tuned to the frequency of the ringing. The device then sends out a canceling signal there-by reducing ones sensitivity to the ringing. There is also a over the counter medication called "Ring Stop" that is said to help if not cure it. I do not know of anyone who has tried it so I do not know if it actually works. There is much information on the web concerning this subject you may want to peruse these areas and see what you come up with.

The H2O2 has minimized it for me but not totally eliminated it. Rockethouse if you find that herbal remedy please let us know what it is.

Unfortunately there is no clinical evidence hydrogen peroxide will get rid of noise induced tinnitus.
It may work to get rid of ear wax and if ear wax is the cause of your tinnitus, may help. There are many causes of tinnitus and what an audiologist and ENT can help with is determine the cause of the tinnitus and where your hearing loss is, if any. Once you determine the cause you and your DR. can address that. Stress, alcohol, certain drugs, high noise levels, and other factors can increase tinnitus volume, usually temporarily. Unfortunately, there are only a few medical facilities in the US that specialize in tinnitus treatment and reduction. Most ENT's and audiologists just don't have the training to deal very effectively with tinnitus sufferers. The good news is that a high percentage of tinnitus sufferers will see a reduction in tinnitus volume over time as long as they don't incur futher damage to their auditory system. For some people, their tinnitus may go away completely.
Larmann seems to be well versed on the subject. What little research I have done coorelates with what he is saying. And yes the H2O2 will probably not help with noise induced tinitus only with wax buld-up or such.

Having known a number of people to suffer this before myself I believed that the only thing that could be done was distraction therapy. I am still skeptical about the herbal drops but this girl was adament that her farthers case was quite severe and added that his tinnitus returned a few months after he stopped using the drops only for it to go again when he resumed treatment. I wonder why if this treatment works why is it not known of world wide.

I have a question regarding this this frequency cancellation treatment. If it works by cancelling the ringing by matching the frequency would'nt it be then removing that frequency from your audiable spectrum?