Tinnitus anyone?

After years of loud stereos and playing electric guitar recreationally I have developed a continuous ringing? Also leads to music sounding brittle. Anyone else reconciling this with how you listen and enjoy a good sound system?

Showing 1 response by kevziek

I have tinnitis in one ear, despite all I did to protect myself through the years. I always plugged my ears when around live music, went to one rock concert in my life, never was around loud noises. The only possibility I can think of, is that I am a piano player, & occasionally an inebriated patron will stand next to me at the piano & start "scream-singing". And maybe once or twice in my life, someone has screamed into my ear. For some time, I thought my tinnitus was due to medication I was taking; however, after stopping the medication, the tinnitus remained. It is amazing how delicate the auditory system really is. Yet, there are many who seem to abuse it, and are relatively unscathed. Life is unfair!!!