Tinnitus anyone?

After years of loud stereos and playing electric guitar recreationally I have developed a continuous ringing? Also leads to music sounding brittle. Anyone else reconciling this with how you listen and enjoy a good sound system?

Showing 1 response by garfish

Yes, right ear, mostly continuous. I grew up on a farm in N.D. and routinely operated all sorts of REALLY LOUD farm machinery-- all day long. Later, electric guitars, chain saws, dirt bikes, dune buggies, firearms-- both army and recreationally, and many power tools. Both .357 and .44 Mag. revolvers are famous for causing tinnitus. In short, throughout my life I've been hard on my ears. BTW, when shooting, I used double ear protection (except in army). Despite the right ear tinnitus, I do have good hearing in both ears in "the presense region", but I can't hear the top octave or so-- but then I'm 57 years old. I just hope my hearing lasts another 10 years. I have not noticed what I would call "brittle sound", but then perhaps I've "tuned" my system to avoid this. HF hearing loss may also explain the importance of excellent bass to me, ie I can,t hear high the HF tones. Yeah, you young people out there-- protect your hearing, especially if you love music. Craig.